universal SPA


Have you met Nicolas, our osteopath?

Osteopathy is a complementary medical discipline to classical medicine that falls within the health professions (officially identified in Law 3/2018).
It respects the relationship between body, mind and spirit considering them as a unit and focuses on the body's tendency to self-healing (WHO).
Nicolas Osteopata Universal SPA
The characteristics of an osteopathic treatment are:
  • only manipulative techniques are used, avoiding the use of electromedicals and drugs
  • the patient is taken into consideration in its entirety, at 360 °
  • it focuses not only on the symptom, but on the cause that may have caused it at the root
"Osteopathy has several internal macrosystems and they are: structural, visceral, cranio sacral and myofascial. Personally there is not one that I prefer but the most appropriate and effective treatment to solve the problem is suitable according to the patient I have in front of me".
Osteopathy, thanks to the very principles on which it is based, works on people of all ages, from newborns to the elderly, to pregnant women.
It is effective in the treatment of various ailments that often afflict the individual, preventing him from being able to lead a peaceful life, such as:
  • neck pain
  • low back pain
  • sciatica pain
  • arthrosis
  • discopathies
  • headaches
  • joint and muscle pain from trauma
  • balance alterations
  • neuralgia
  • chronic tiredness
  • congestive affections such as ear infections and sinusitis
  • gynecological and digestive disorders
